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elaineispretty @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, December 21, 2012

sometimes, i see people who
are less fortunate than i am. those who live in broken families or are suffering physical abuse. and then i take a look at myself frm outside the picture, and i realise how lucky i am. i have parents who love me so much despite the failure i am. i've got a sister who will be there for me when i need her, and the cutest lil' carpet who never fails to make me smile.

and then i realise, tt this little bit of pain i'm feeling is nothing compared to what others are gg thru. there are poor little doggies out there fighting for their lives and people who are less fortunate than i am. so i tell myself to move
on and forget about all these shit. i need to be a happier and more useful person so i can help more people and dogs in this world:) i can do it! go elaine!
Saturday, December 08, 2012

I'm not mad, i'm hurt.
There's a difference.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A girl is happiest when she knows you make her your everything.
In front of everyone. Everytime.
Sunday, October 07, 2012

 i got into a car accident on my way to school along tpe.
that was ytd.

im feeling rly awful now i can't exactly describe this feeling.

i already was a liability, now im even worse off. just when i tot everything was changing for the better.
i rly shud get an award for always being able to get myself into deep shit.
rly feel like giving up,giving life up altogether.
occurred to me tt i shud have died along w the accident, at least can claim life insurance.

tears shed, nightmares after nightmares the previous night. yes, very traumatised but pretending im all ok. this splitting headache is getting on my nerves!

had wanted to blog quite an amount but i can't rly find words to describe and i suddenly dont know what to say. this year hasn't been good for me.

i shud buck up and stop being a loser... i always reminded myself constantly the previous months. then i managed to get a job and was preparing to pay off my study loan plus debtors mich and dad. nw everything's gone down the drain i dont see motivation anymore becos how hard i try i always end up in shit, as much as i dont want to.

if there's an easier way to die and make my family feel better or be better off without me, i'd do it. i can't stand this emotional torture anymore! i can't stand being stepped on by the words they say sometimes. i feel rly depressed. i wish i died.
Friday, August 24, 2012

and Bailey, i hope this msg teleports to u... i miss u so much! i miss cuddling u... i miss u...
i'll always keep u in my prayers... althou i cant be with u... i wanna let u know i still love u so much... pls dont forget me....

im sitting here in macs... pleaded with dad and mum today regarding adopting the poor schnauzer tt nobody wants because it was born with 'defects'...as expected, they gave me a stern 'no' as an answer. upset, i decided tt i didn't wanna stay home to study today.

i seriously have no idea how ppl can jus dump their dogs like tt, as if they meant nothing to them at all.... if i could.... i wanna save all of them.. i'd wanna bring all these poor little furballs home...and shower them with all the love i can... but i can't....im so useless :(

so here i sat... for the past hour and a half... studying and thinking about the poor little life i failed to save...yes..very emotional.

buthen i suddenly realised... studying isn't so bad... afterall...i've always hated it...i never seemed to have a goal in life... and even my degree, i took it as a joke. i never took it seriously before...

and when i finally thought my life had taken a turn for the better, i was slapped in the face with my results. it didn't turn out as expected. i finally woke up.

today, i have a resolution.
i dont wanna face all these disappointments anymore... im tired of it. im tired of seeing that disappointed look on dad, mum or michi's face. i wanna expec something from myself. i wanna have a goal.

im gonna work hard for my CMFAS papers now, while i continue to pursue my degree part-time. im gonna get a full-time job and pay off all my debts, and study loans. im gonna take up a grooming course and groom those poor little doggies who cant find a loving home. i wanna make them all pretty so they'll find homes easier! and im gonna save up and open a dog shelter where i'll save all the dogs in singapore!! and im gonna constantly upgrade myself with the financial world. im gonna do either acca or cpa! i need to work hard to save these doggies! yes, this is my goal. i've finally found it, i hope it's not too late! im so excited (:

Saturday, June 02, 2012

can't wait to start work. can't wait to earn money to repay my family. can't wait.

happy bday dad! i'm sorry i woke up late today and didn't manage to wish u happy bday face to face:( but anws... i love you... im grateful for having you as my dad.

my dad's, the best dad anyone can have. words cannot express the gratitude that i have towards him. im sorry dad, that u have to tank all the damages from my past relationship to make me feel better. im an ass of a daughter, i know. i promise i'll improve. i'll earn lots and lots of money and i'll take care of u and mum.

I'm sorry about the car, i'm sorry sometimes i lose my temper at u. but thank you dad, that you've never really been mad at me, that no matter how you scold me you still love me just as much because i'm your daughter. i know i don't deserve all this love for being such a lousy daughter, only always wasting the family's money and making u 'tank' all these damage. i promise i'll make up for all these in time to come.

thank you dad, for working so hard for the family.

love you,
Monday, May 28, 2012

i'll never have coffee with durian again. sucks totally.
im feeling so shitty now i had to sleep half the day away and my paper's tmr...wtf! im having mixed feelings. like im afrad i wont be able to make it... im afraid the qns turn out funky... im afraid... i answer out of point... and i wont be able to grad eventually...

oh well, i only have myself to blame for starting late.